Monday, July 27, 2009

Need Help in making this c++ program?

Implement and thoroughly test a class named IVector that represents a

dynamic array of integers. It will have 3 private data members: int

capacity, int count, and int * items. The 'capacity' is the physical

size of the dynamic array (its actual number of elements). The 'count'

is the number of elements currently in use (indices 0, 1, ...,

count-1). The pointer 'items' points to the first element of the

dynamic array, which will be created by the operator 'new'.

Class IVector will have three constructors: 1) a default constructor

that creates an array of capacity = 2 and count = 0; 2) a constructor

with parameter int cap that creates an array of capacity = cap and

count = 0; and 3) a copy constructor with parameter "const IVector %26amp; V"

that creates an array that is identical to IVector V.

Class IVector will have the following public member functions: 1) two

getters that return the capacity and the count of an IVector object;

2) one declared "void Append( int item )" that adds 'item' to 'items'

at position 'count' and increments 'count' by one; 3) one declared

"void Insert( int index, int item ) "that adds 'item' to 'items' at

position 'index' and increments 'count' by one; and one declared "void

Delete( int index )" that deletes the item at position 'index' and

decrements 'count' by one.

Overload the operator '[ ]' to access elements of the vector by


Need Help in making this c++ program?
Does not look easy. May be you can contact a C++ expert at websites like
Reply:Sounds pretty straightforward to me. So do you always get your homework done this way? Explains a lot about the state of the Software Industry.....
Reply:What is the question?


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