I was reading the sunday paper when i came across an article about Newark's rise in gun violence, i am scared out of my life right now, b/c i was suppose to go to Rutger's law school a yr later, which is located in Newark! I strongly believe we should ban guns all together except for of course, the police, the soldiers, and others who help out with the public's safety, but other than that i dont think the citizens should have a right to have guns, plus in our Const., it doesnt say citizens have the right but the militia has the right to use guns!!
Do u think the govern should ban assault rifles?
This will be a debated subject for as long as the United States is a functioning republic. There is no question that the initial reaction to any type of violence is repulsion and to some degree fear. You and I (and thankfully most Americans) wake up every day, trying to do what is best for ourselves and our communities. It never crosses our minds to harm another.
But there is another element in our society that is not wired this way. The are predators who seek out harm innocent people. Most of us will never be a victim of a violent assault or an attempt on our lives or on the lives of a loved one; but, heaven forbid, if that situation were to arises, how would you respond? If you give up control to the predator and let them injure or kill you or your loved one, then that is a conscious choice. If however, you value your life and the the lives of your loved ones, you will realize that the police cannot protect us one on one.
Many studies have shown that weapons in the hand of law abiding citizens are used thousands of times of year to PREVENT a violent act from occurring. A recently published report by the Federal Government stated that the numerous restrictive gun laws (including the Assault Weapons Ban) had had no effect in reducing violent crime. In fact, just the opposite was true. In each of the States that have passed Concealed Weapons Laws, violent crime has been reduced.
If you take the time to study these statistics in thoughtful way, you may begin to understand that it is not the instrument (the gun) that is inherently harmful.
Careful study of the intent of the 2nd Amendment reveals that citizens of that day were extremely distrustful of a central government. No doubt, the citizens of any repressive regime would agree that only allowing the government, police or military to have the guns is a bad idea.
Anyway, this is just some food for thought. I know that you probably have already made up your mind on this issue. I rarely (if ever) had heard anyone say lately..."Gee, I never thought of it that way..."
Perhaps you will surprise me.
Reply:You can ban all the guns you want but people will always find a way to hurt one another. Better to approach the underlying causes of violence.
Reply:I don't think the public should be allowed to own assault (AUTO) rifles, while I do disagree with your thoughts on owning firearms. You have had some good answers before mine, how ever like one person said you have your mind made up and I doubt that we will change it.
Reply:The fundamental problem people fail to recognize is that 9 times out of 10, a criminal who commits a crime using a firearm did NOT purchase the weapon legally.
Banning guns will only prevent law-abiding citezens from a freedom provided by the constitution and the right to pursue lawful activities such as hunting, sport shooting, and home defense. The criminals will still obtain guns, but now the law abiding citezen will be unarmed and criminals will know this causing a rise in crime.
The problem is that most states don't enforce the death penalty as much as they should. If the punishment were severe enough, it would deter many individuals from commiting violent crimes involving weapons. Instead, the liberal judges sentence short terms and the criminal is left to do it again...either on the streets or in prison.
I own firearms and use them for lawful purposes such as trap shooting, target shooting, and hunting. I am no threat to other citezens. I went to a retail store and purchased my firearms using my I.D., passing background checks and registering those weapons legally. Banning weapons would have prevented me from this lawful activity. Why? Because you are scared of criminals? That has nothing to do with people like me. Criminals don't walk into a sporting goods store and purchase firearms with their own I.D.!!!! They obtain them be illegal means.
Bottom line......banning weapons would only punish law-abiding citezens like me. It is NOT a solution. Accoutabilty is the problem and the solution....hold individuals responsible for his/her actions instead of blaming an industry or punishing others.
Good Luck!
Reply:You are wrong about what the constitution says:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Gun control does not make us safer simply because bad guys get illegal things from the blackmarket no matter what. By illegalizing certain kinds of guns you merely disarm the innocent who are too honest to go to the black market. NOW who has all the guns? The bad guys! I don't personally own a gun but i see the sense in being prepared to defend yourself from intruders.
I have got some very informative links for you...
Reply:But then, how are we going to defend ourselves from other citizens with guns?
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